
Movement: WSAD / Arrows / Left Stick
Attack: automatic
Level up (place lamp): Spacebar / A button
Pause menu: ESC / Start Button

Kill enemies to get xp. After reaching next level you get a lamp you can place.
To win place enough lamps on the map to fill the bar on the bottom of the screen.
Placing lamps also grants you a choice of buffs and debuffs.


wind.rar 21 MB
LightAndDark.rar 16 MB
LightAndDark 51 MB

Install instructions

Windows version is recommended in case web version doesn't work.


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I can confirm it works on Linux– I think you’ve achieved a really interesting aesthetic!

Game will most probably freeze due to my lack of optimizations skills (and lack of time to learn) so if it doesn't work for you, please use windows version.
I also exported linux and macos but I have no way to test if they work properly.

Mac version works fairly ok. Performance is not good but the web version did not work at all.